2015-2016 Progress
United States
- Constructed a Chicken Tractor at the Biola Organic Garden in Los Angeles.
- Conducted a Fundraiser in Alabama at Auburn University.
- Attended the Seattle Met’s event “Generocity” to network and see what other non-profits are doing in the Greater Seattle area.
- Attended One Young World (OYW) Environmental Summit in Tucson, AZ. Geoff gave a speech about Harvest Craft’s work and networked with the OYW community.
- Held a booth at the Broccoli City Festival in DC.
- Held a booth and presented at Resonate’s Mission Conference in WA.
- Attended Seattle Works day to help with Leschi school garden with Google.
- Acquired funding from Local Sponsors:
- I Dream of Fish
- Mariners Outreach
- Garrett Futrell Foundation
- Kingdomworks SDG Foundation
- Evolution Haiti
- Hired an In-Country Director: Daniel Karuah.
- Launched Without Walls, our Community Development Program
- Developed our Women’s Empowerment Program—Culinary Health Empowerment for the Future (CHEF):
- To be implemented next year for the sake of training, employing and empowering women in Haiti with healthy culinary skills.
- Hired a Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP) Director: Nahomie Jean Pierre
(Left to Right) Co-Founders, Brendon and Craig. CDO, Geoff Bishop. In-Country Director: Haiti, Daniel Karuah. WEP Director, Nahomie Jean Pierre.
Institutional Sustainability –
- Hands and Feet Project finished in January 2016, an aquaponics and agricultural vocational program at their orphanage in Cyvadier.
Without Walls -
500 chickens laying over 3,000 eggs a week (above). 3 days worth of eggs pictured (below).
Charlotte Project in Les Cayes: Partnered with Mariners Haiti Ministry and the Glory Glory Center in Torbeck.
- 10 pigs
- 5 Employees
- Chickens to be added in next phase of development
- Proceeds benefit community and aid in sustainability for a local orphanage
- For more information visit: (http://www.haitiministrymarinerschurch.com)
- Full Story: (http://www.haitiministrymarinerschurch.com/2016/06/28/the-pigs-have-arrived)
- Mt. Freri Project: Partnered with I Dream of Fish (idreamoffish.org) and Haitian Government Officials
- 500 Chickens
- 4 Employees
- Proceeds benefit community and a micro-finance program
Vie De France Project: Partnered with the Vie De France Community Center in Jacmel
- 500 Chickens
- 3 Employees
- Proceeds benefit community and a micro-finance program
Upcoming in Haiti...
Scouted out and confirmed other project sites to develop in the coming year, but still require funding
- Seguin- “Without Walls” Community Project: implementing Sheep and Vegetables, 5 employees (Need $15,000)
- La Montagyne-“Without Walls” Community Project: implementing Chickens and Fruit Trees, 3 employees (Need $10,000)
- Cyvadier-Orphanage Sustainability and Vocational Agriculture Program: at a small orphanage called “Bread of Life.” Implementing chickens, goats, pigs, and fruit trees. 30 Orphans (Need $20,000)
- Formo Torbeck-“Without Walls” Community Project: implementing Fish, Azolla, and Ducks into an existing Rice Paddy (Need $12,000)
- Harvest Craft will be acting as Sustainability Consultants for a Sex-Trafficking Rehabilitation Center in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. The projects we’ll be implementing will aim to subsidize food costs and generate jobs and income for the center.
- A recent scout trip took place in June 2016 with our COO, Craig Erickson.
- Visited the site, spent time vision casting with In-Country leaders
- Surveyed the property and got a more precise calculation for the boundaries.
- Became better acquainted with project partners
- Conducted market research to gather insight for the types of produce that would be most desirable to grow
- Began the search (through Cambodian leadership) for individuals that would be good candidates to manage the aquaponic system and other agricultural endeavors.
- For the full report visit: (www.harvestcraft.org/Cambodia)
In the Coming Months…
July-August 2016
- Working at the Google office in Sao Paulo and in the slums to work on sustainable development in the area. Also, there will be meetings with TECHO to continue developing that partnership to see how HC can help communities in South America. Possible Project in August.
September 2016
- Scout Trip. Fly to Nairobi and work with Marvin (Harvest Craft’s In-Country Director: Kenya) to see what communities are looking to work with HC.
Potential Projects—- A mission church in West Pokot; an area in the Rift Valley province of Kenya that is marred a number of women widowed (single mothers) and many youths in need of development.
- Kajiado in Maasai land. A metropolitan place called Maili Tisa. Many single mothers and youth in need of sustainable income.
- Lugari District in Western Province. There is a church in the area that the responsibility of parenting has been left to the mothers whose husbands have been incapacitated by alcoholism. The area is very fertile and would be perfect for crop Agriculture.
- Meetings will also take place at the Google office in Nairobi working with UNICEF and Google. We’ll be developing more of a relationship with both groups and working in the slums to brainstorm ideas for sustainable development in the community. Possible project for next year.
- Created Departments for further development of internal structure.
- Hired Directors for Development, Human Resources, Marketing, Creative Arts, and Events:
- Geoff Bishop-Chief Development Officer
- Leslie Teater-Director of HR and Marketing
- Avery Anton-Director of Creative Arts
- Macy Utley-Director of Events
- Hired Aquaponic and Aquaculture Team for Cambodia:
- Evie Smith-Agronomy and Soils and Horticulture Major at Auburn University
- Amanda Dukes-Horticulture Major at Auburn University
- Established Partnerships with numerous organizations across the Globe.
- Acquired our First International Offices in Les Cayes, Haiti.
- Research Trips have been taken to better understand sustainable agriculture systems at farms and facilities all across the United States and Abroad. These places include focuses on:
- Pigs, Chickens, Tree Fruit, Vineyards, Vegetables, Field Crops, Berries, Cattle, Goat Dairies, Hatcheries, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Biodigesters, and Composting.
- Expanded our Local Presence to include the Greater Seattle area, as well as the Greater Los Angeles area